Saturday, 19 March 2011

Who's looking after Table Three?

While nearly everybody has eaten in a restaurant, not everyone has experienced the restaurant kitchen. Contrary to the belief, held by some people, that kitchens are dirty and that the enthusiastic chef is one who puts everything he's got into a stew; most commercial kitchens are clean and well run. Sometimes however, near chaos does ensue during a busy sitting. While you are enjoying a leisurely bottle of Chateau Blotto, the smiling face of the waiter/waitress is going through a transformation as he or she passes through to the inner sanctum.

'Table four says the Steak Tartar is underdone and if that sheep's boyfriend at table one snaps his fingers at me, once more, he will be wearing his Chicken Pascal in his ear-hole", exclaims the beleaguered waitress. But who's listening? In the kitchen they have their own problems. The Chef de Partie is just after phoning in sick. The Pastry Chef is hopping around the kitchen clutching her hand, having burned it by trying to lift a hot and heavy baking tray, with a cloth that was folded too thin. The dish washer has broken down again and one of the party at table seven wants to change his order of Trout to a Fillet Steak, now that it's nearly cooked

Meanwhile, the waiter/waitress' face is once again going, through a transformation, as he or she returns to the restaurant with a pair of Beef Wellingtons, for table three.

The next time you are enjoying a meal out, be it alone or in company, spare a thought for the faceless ones behind the scenes, who daily brave nervous breakdowns to attend to our entertainment.

- Posted
using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Limerick, Ireland

Friday, 18 March 2011

New to Blogging

Blogging is a new pursuit for me. I must admit, I have been reticent about it up to now. However if I don't do it at this point, then when? I am sure I will make many mistakes but, at this stage of my life, I seldom make the same mistake twice. I am trying out the BlogPress application, which so far seems simple enough (and for me it would need to be). If you have any advice or suggestions (other than don't do it) I would be more than happy to here from you. I have asked myself, what do I have to offer, by the way of blogging and right now I have only my feelings about this and that.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Limerick, Ireland

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Thinking is Inefficient

Thinking is by far the most inefficient way of processing information. It is outdated, outmoded and archaic.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Happiiness, Destiny and Power

The function of each individual is to fulfil their own destiny, and it is my firm belief that it is each of our destinies to find happiness and contentment. Sometimes we may have to fight to achieve this, but no matter what modus operandi we use to search we must never loose sight that our goal is happiness. The presence of such happiness creates a dynamic energy, which causes a positive influence in whichever direction that we direct our attention and in the world around us, in general. Everybody has the same energy, but people at large have a lot of their energy tied up in maintaining their archaic descriptions. The misuse of their energy in this manner causes them to feel weak and insecure. This deficit is then supplemented by stealing from others through manipulating or forcing others to give us their attention, thus energy. That is the difference between empowering and dis-empowering those with whom we come in contact with. The key to happiness and power, thus fulfilling our destiny, lies in empowering everybody who enters into our lives.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Courage Is Not The Absence Of Fear

For me courage is not the absence of fear, but the determination to act in spite of it.
We display courage at that moment when our sense of justice, our sense of responsibility, our sense of goodness, becomes greater than the fear that we feel. At that moment this sense of justice, responsibility and goodness prevails unto action.