Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Horse of the Dead.

Horse of the Dead 

I included a bit of the street rather than cropping it out. I wanted to suggest a destination for the galloping horse, Escaping from the world of the dead into the world of realm of the living. 

I believe the name of the artist is Key Rogue.

Saturday, 28 August 2021

Zumba Saturday in Limerick

Whilst in town today I came across a group of Zumba students strutting their stuff. They were inviting members of the public to join in, some did. I most admit, I would loved to join in myself except for having some leg problems at the moment. I very much-loved the spirit that it brought to my day after the lock down and self isolation of the previous eighteen months. I am grateful to those wonderful folk who, "Strutted their stuff" today.

Sunday, 15 August 2021

Service with a Smile

 George Russell, Corcoran's Family Butcher. John's Square.

I took this approximately six years but mislaid the file. George is one of life's gentlemen, always ready with a kind word and a smile.

A Man and his Accordion.

85-year-old Limerick Street Musician and Poet, Tom McNamara

Saturday, 27 March 2021

Small Tortoiseshell

Lavender is great for attracting Bees and Butterflies.

#nature #naturalhistory #butterflies #lavender #cannon #handheld #limerick #ireland #macro