Friday, 5 August 2011

Ireland a Living Entity

I see Ireland like a living entity; a mother who provides for her children with all that they need. However, like all petulant children we don't always choose that which is good for us, but instead follow our own whims. We make foolish choices based upon the predatory suggestions of bigger children abroad, then blame each other when everything goes pear shaped. Like the children of any family,  there will be amongst the children of Ireland disagreements and sibling rivalry, there will be fallings-out and even estrangements.

In these turbulent times, we must put an end to the blame and accusations, and putting aside the old discordances of the past, we need to unite in the rebuilding of this nation - this family of Ireland.

I watch in sadness as our leaders spend more time on recrimination than on showing the example of positivity. I watch in frustration the greed of financial speculators, as they try and squeeze the last drop from the tit of our Mother Ireland.  And then I watch in pride the entrepreneurial spirit of  those who, struggling  against great odds in these troubled times, start up businesses and enterprises in the cities, towns, villages and parishes throughout this land.  These men and women are the true heroes of our time.  These men and women are our true leaders.

Ireland is indeed a living entity and I am proud to be one of Her children.


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